Wednesday 5 May 2010

What are the variables that make up the quality of a screen printed t-shirt?

There are many important factors that go to make up how well a screen printed t-shirt will turn out once the finished garment leaves the production line.

In this article I am going to look at just a few of these variables and will be looking to complete the guide in articles that I publish over the next few weeks.

So, if you want to improve the quality of your t-shirt printing then follow this guide over the coming weeks and hopefully you will be able to pick up a few hints and tips that will create a garment screen printing process that leads to a printed t-shirt you can be proud of.

Screen tension – Screens need to be of the same tension as each other. This way you will get consistency across the whole print run. If you use one screen that has a very low tension it may lead to the ink been laid down unevenly and not providing good coverage. Your screens should therefore have sufficient tension and importantly, have the same tension as the other screens been used on that run.

Squeegee pressure and squeegee stroke time - The pressure on the squeegee should be constant throughout the stroke. This again will lead to an even coverage of ink onto the t-shirt. If the pressure is not consistent throughout the print run you will not get the same amount of ink applied to each t-shirt, this will lead to inconsistencies throughout the run. As with squeegee pressure, the time of the stroke must also be consistent in order to produce a consistent finished printed t-shirt.

Squeegee maintenance – Make sure that the squeegee blade is level and replaced when it loses its sharp edge. By ensuring your squeegee blade is fit for the job, you are again taking away a variable that can lead to a disappointing printing result.

These are my first 3 tips for increased success in t-shirt printing. If you are reading this article and thinking this is something that may be best left to a professional t-shirt printing company then why not visit JKL Clothing’s website and allow us to show you how we can take your image or design and screen print it onto a garment of your choice.

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